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PU-PH, Chef de serviceDirecteur adjoint du DMU Biologie, PUI, Médecine légale
Expert Près la Cour d'Appel de Versailles
Agréé Cour de Cassation
- Portable
- 01 47 10 79 23
- Secrétariat
- 01 47 10 79 20
- Adresse mail
- jean-claude.alvarez@uvsq.fr
Thèmes de recherche
- Études PK/PD,
- Toxicologie médicolégale
Publications 2019 :
- Caré W, Larabi IA, Langrand J, Medernach C, Alvarez JC, Villa A.
Poisonig associated with inappropriate use of a eutectic mixture of lidocaine and prilocaie before laser-assisted hair removal: about 3 cases. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2019, 133(3): 843-846 - Fabresse N, Larabi IA, Stratton T, Mistrik R, Pfau G, Lorin de la Grandamaison G, Etting I, Grassin-Delyle S, Alvarez JC.
Development of a sensitive untargeted LC-HRMS screening devoted to hair analysis through a shared MS2 spectra database: a step towards early detection of new psychoactive substances. Drug Testing Analysis, 2019, 11(5):697-708. - Fabresse N, Aouad H, Knapp A, Mayer C, Etting I, Larabi IA, Alvarez JC
Development and validation of a LC-MS/MS method for simultaneous detection of 10 illicit drugs in oral fluid collected with FLOQSwabs™ and application to real samples. Drug Testing Analysis, 2019, 11(6): 824-832. - Grassin-Delyle S, Martin M, Hamzaoui O, Lamy E, Jayle C, Sage E, Etting I, Devillier P, Alvarez JC.
A high-resolution ICP-MS method for the determination of 38 inorganic elements in human blood, urine, hair and tissues after microwave digestion. Talanta, 2019, 199: 228-237. - S Hartley, N Simon, A Larabi, I Vaugier, F Barbot, MA Quera-Salva, Alvarez JC.
Effect of smoked cannabis on vigilance and accident risk using simulated driving in occasional and chronic users and the pharmacokinetic / pharmacodynamic relationship. Clin Chem, 2019, 65(5): 684-693. - Lenglet A, Fabresse N, Taupin M, Gomila C, Liabeuf S, Kamel S, Alvarez JC, Drueke TB, Massy ZA.
Does the Administration of Sevelamer or Nicotinamide Modify Uremic Toxins or Endotoxemia in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients? Drugs, 2019, 79: 855-862. - Dacosta-Noble P, Costantini A, Dumenil C, Dumoulin J, Helly de Tauriers P, Giraud V, Labrune S, Emile JF, Alvarez JC, Chinet T, Giroux Leprieur E. Positive plasma cotinine during platinum-based chemotherapy is associated with poor response rate in advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients Plos One, 2019, 14(7): e0219080
- Donadieu J, Larabi A, Tardieu M, Visser J, Hutter C, Sieni E, Kabbara N, Barkaoui M, Miron J, Chalard F, Milne P, Haroche J, Cohen F, Hélias-Rodzewicz Z, Simon N, Jehanne M, Kolenova A, Pagnier A, Aladjidi N, Schneider P, Plat G, Lutun A, Sonntagbauer A, LehmbecherT, Ferster A, Efremova V, Ahlmann M, Blanc L, Nicholson J, Lambiliote A, Boudiaf H, Lissat A, SvojgrK, Bernard F, Elitzur S, Golan M, Evseev D, Maschan M, Idbaih A, Slater O, Minkov M, Taly V, Collin M, Alvarez JC, Emile JF, Héritier S.
Vemurafenib for refractory multisystem Langerhans cell histiocytosis of children: an international observational study. Journal of Oncology, 2019, on line, Doi: 10.1200/JCO.19.00456. - Dufayet L, Alcaraz E, Dorol J, Rey-Salmon, Alvarez JC,
Attempt of scopolamine-facilitated robbery:an original case of poisoning by inhalation confirmed by LC/MS/MS and review of the literature. Forensic Toxicology, 2019, on-line, doi:10.1007_s11419-019-00492-z
Larabi IA, Fabresse N, Etting I, Nadour L, Pfau G, Raphalen JH, Philippe P, Edel Y Alvarez JC.
Prevalence of new psychoactive substances in Paris ans its suburbs using hair analysis: a cross sectional study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2019, 204: 107508. - Larabi A, Martin M, Fabresse N, Etting I, Edel Y, Pfau G, Alvarez JC,
Hair testing for 3-fluorofentanyl, methoxyacetylfentanyl, carfentanil, acetylfentanyl and fentanyl by LC/MS/MS after unintentional overdose. Forensic Toxicology, 2019, doi.org/10.1007/s11419-019-00502-0. - Michelon H, Tardivel M, Dinh A, Alvarez JC, Salomon E, Le Quintrec JL, Hirt D, Davido B.
Efficacy and safety of subcutaneous administration of ceftazidime as a salvage therapy in geriatrics: a case report. Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology, 2019, on line, doi: 10.1111/fcp.12520. - CaréW, Langrand J, Vodovar D, Deveaux M, Alvarez JC, Mégarbane B, Dorandeu F.
Trends in opioid-attributed poisonings and fatalities reported to the Paris poison control center – a 10-year observational study. Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology, 2019, accepté - Bouchghoul H, Alvarez JC, Verstuyft C, Bouyer J, Senat MV.
Is transplacental transfer of glyburide associated with neonatal hypoglycemia risk? Plos one, 2019, accepté