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The Unit 1173 is a new research Inserm-UVSQ Unit located in the brand new building of the Faculty of Health Sciences “Simone Veil” belonging to the University Versailles-Saint-Quentin (UVSQ). The Unit comprise three previously separated and “on their own” research teams that were all either University or Inserm labelled.

The proposed organization of the Unit reflects our decision to strengthen collaborations and synergy between the teams within the new Faculty building (Simone Veil center) and with the other research Units (Cohorts/Epidemiology; Neuro-locomotor Handicap). The priority axis of research for the new Unit is to develop research ground on basic and fundamental research of inflammatory and infectious cell responses, from various models to humans.

It benefit from particularly favorable scientific, institutional and material conditions. UVSQ chooses as a priority the development of a new research center with the aim to foster top-level research on three priority axes (Epidemiology, Handicap and Host response to inflammatory disorders). The new research building called “Simone Veil” opened at the end of 2012. The building has a surface of 14 000m2, including 6000m2 of brand new research space: 4 200 m2 for biology; 1 000m2 for epidemiology and public health; 800m2 for animal facility.

It represents a special effort to bring together 3 different groups, including a total of about 80 staff members working mainly in the new Simone Veil building, one group being partially located at Hospital Foch.

Localized in the Faculty of Health Sciences and strongly linked to several hospitals (Ambroise Paré (Boulogne), Foch (Suresnes), Raymond Poincaré (Garches) belonging to the west side of Paris, the Unit is a perfect link from fundamental researches to clinical studies. This point is illustrated by the research activity of 25 clinician scientists in the Department.